Low productivity on Monday? Find out how to solve it!
Starting the work week is a challenge for many people. Research has already indicated that there are workers who are happier on Friday night than at the end of Sunday. This happens because with the weekend ending comes that feeling that you will have to face another week of work. This feeling can last for a period of time and hinder your productivity on Monday .
Sunday, for many people, became a day to organize the week by making lunch boxes, tidying things at home and other things like that. On Monday, it’s common to feel lazy about waking up early, facing public transport or traffic and starting work, but some tips can help you change that and make the start of your week more productive.
How to be more productive on Monday?
1 – Use Friday to your advantage
The excitement for the weekend to arrive soon can make you want to end your day and, as a result, end up leaving many things for the following week. However, think that starting the week with everything organized can give you a boost.
One tip is to try to make a to-do list for the following week on Friday. Write down on paper what is pending and what you can’t forget to do on Monday. This way, when the week starts, it will be easier to organize your workday.
2 – Relax on Sunday
You may use Sunday to organize things so that your week is more practical. This is a positive thing, but don’t let these tasks make your Sunday exhausting. Take time for yourself to unwind and relax.
Take a walk in the park first thing in the morning or end your Sunday watching a movie or series that you like. Between one task and another, talk to your family, listen to music or do something that reminds you that you are having a day off. This will help make your Sunday lighter and your mind won’t be so focused on the work week.
3 – Change your mind
Our thoughts can, indeed, affect our mood. So, try to change your thinking, see Monday as a new beginning full of opportunities. Make plans that go beyond work. This will excite you.
Agree, for example, to go to dinner with a friend, go to the cinema with your partner after work or do something that takes you out of your routine. Knowing that there are light and fun programs in your week will motivate you to start your Monday off right. This is because you won’t just think about the obligations you have at work.
4 – Try working from home
The hybrid work model has become increasingly common and if you work this way, try to negotiate with your supervisors to work from home on Monday. This way, you’ll be able to sleep a little later, as you won’t have to worry about the commute. Another positive point is that you can work in more comfortable clothes.
5 – Organize your priorities
Remember that to-do list you made on Friday? As you start your week, analyze how you can organize your time to accomplish these tasks more comfortably. If you perform more in the morning, focus on tasks that require more attention. After lunch, focus on simpler tasks.
6 – Celebrate your achievements
The feeling of crossing an item off your to-do list or signaling that it has been completed can improve your mood. Celebrate each completed task, after all, it’s one less obligation. This tip can also be useful on other days of the week. By writing down your obligations, you better visualize your demands and, therefore, can organize them in a more practical way.
7 – Avoid meetings
Scheduling too many meetings on a Monday can get in the way of organizing your day. If possible, schedule appointments of this type for other days of the week. Keep in mind that meetings can be stressful or create new work demands.
Other than that, they can take more time than expected and interfere with your other tasks for the day. As a result, you may need to start the week already working overtime or you will end the day feeling like the week has barely started and you are already piling on the work.
8 – Enjoy your day
By seeing Monday as a new beginning, you can take the first step towards putting into practice things that you left aside the previous week, such as practicing physical activity or catching up on your studies.