Headache: what it is, its symptoms and how to treat it
A headache is just a dull or uncomfortable pain in your head that can go away from one moment to the next, be aware that it can have a specific cause and, in some cases, last for a long time, being harmful to the quality of life. It would thus be nothing better than grasping the subject better, taking due care of your health.
Below, we will answer the following questions about this problem that affects people all over the world:
- What is headache?
- What causes headache?
- What are the types of headache?
- What are the symptoms of headache?
- How to treat headache?
Want to say goodbye to headaches? Stay with us to understand everything about headaches.
What is headache?
For some people the name headache may sound strange or unfamiliar, while for others it may be something more common. The truth is that this is a term popularly known as “ headache ”. Yes, you know that discomfort that appears out of nowhere and can be present in the head and neck regions ? Well, it’s more common than most people think, and I’m sure you have felt it at some point.
It is a condition that can be triggered by other health problems, generating this pain or discomfort. We will talk more about this throughout the text.
What causes headache?
The causes of headache are very varied and can be different from one person to another. With regard to work, for example, it can be said that headaches can occur due to stress and/or overload of demands . When this happens, considering the pain and/or discomfort, the person ends up suffering an impact on their productivity, needing to be absent from their tasks to contain the problem.
In relation to personal life, both at home and in other environments, whether with friends and/or family, headaches can be linked to routine habits , you know? Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption , lack of important nutrients for the body, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of regular sleep are other factors linked to headaches.
In other words, regardless of where you are, a headache can arise, since the causes are varied and, generally, difficult to control.
What are the types of headache?
After the question, you might be thinking: “huh, but are there other types of headaches? Isn’t the headache the same for everyone?” The solution to the two trips is less complex than you could suspect: yes and negative.
Yes, because there are different types of headaches, considering their symptoms. No, as headaches can vary from one person to another, as can the causes, as explained previously.
It is important to understand that headache has two types of groups: primary and secondary. While the first is related to headache without a specific cause, the second is associated with some other problem, ranging from an infection to other health problems. Check out the most common types:
Tension headache
Known as a primary headache, tension headache is much more common than many people imagine and you have probably felt it at some point, as it is a problem linked to the stress of your own routine. Its main characteristic is the sensation of strong pain, tightness or pressure in the head, which can also be felt in the neck region.
Cluster headache
Considered an intense pain, which can be present both in the temple and around one eye, and can occur in both eyes, cluster headache can be associated with stress and physical fatigue, since its causes are unknown. It is a problem that occurs during nights of sleep and lasts for a short time, and can come and go at any time.
This problem is considered a type of headache, characterized as primary. Generally, your headache happens on one side or both sides of your skull. Furthermore, it is a problem accompanied by nausea and/or sensitivity to light, as well as other causes.
In addition to these types of headaches, some others can occur: chronic post-traumatic headaches, due to excessive use of medications, excessive caffeine consumption , hormonal issues, hypertension, among others.
What are the symptoms of headache?
As the main symptom, headache is, without a doubt, the main problem. However, some other symptoms are reported by headache sufferers. Check out the list:
- Pain in the back of the neck;
- Falling of the upper eyelid;
- Sensation of tightness in the skull;
- Sensitivity to light, smell or sound;
- Nausea and, in some cases, vomiting;
- Throbbing sensation in the head;
- Stings of mild or moderate intensity in some areas of the head;
- And much more!
How to treat headache?
Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms during headache attacks? Sometimes, if the pain persists, it is best to go to the doctor, understand the cause, and if possible, avoid taking medications without guidance, since if not treated correctly, it can develop into a chronic headache.
From the healthcare professional, it is possible to have all the care recommendations and even which medications to take to alleviate the headache you are experiencing.