
Back pain: what could it be?

Have you ever had back pain? Although many people believe that “bad behavior” is the primary cause, there are several causes that might differ from person to person. As a result, it is critical to understand them and seek appropriate therapy accordingly.

What are the main causes of back pain?

Before anything else, we have a question to ask you: have you ever felt back pain at the end of the day—after a long, tedious workday or when waking up? If this has already happened, know that there are many causes, ranging from poor posture and health problems to excessive physical activity, quality of sleep, and even sedentary lifestyle .

Therefore, for back pain not to occur so often, it is necessary to understand what may be the main causes. Check out some of them:

Postural problems

Due to the rush of one’s own routine, especially at work, it is very common for some people to have back pain. This discomfort in the dorsal region arises due to a lack of attention to the correct way of sitting or even staying in the same position for long periods, as incorrect posture increases the overload of one’s own weight.

Remember: in addition to work, postural habits (or addictions) at home can be related to back pain.

Health problems

Back discomfort can contribute to a variety of health issues, despite appearances. Medical illnesses such as neurological diseases (herniated discs and migraines), orthopedic diseases (arthroses), and rheumatological diseases (arthritis and osteoporosis) can produce mild, moderate, or severe pain, which varies from person to person.

Aside from these issues, there are several more that can cause back pain symptoms, ranging from spinal infections to bladder or renal disorders.

Excessive physical activity

Practicing physical activity brings countless benefits to physical and mental health, right? However, it is worth remembering that overtraining can contribute to back pain. But, after all, why does this happen?

Regardless of the chosen modality , repetitive movements, excess load and even incorrect execution of the movement can cause muscular stress in the back region and, consequently, discomfort. Furthermore, lack of rest can also be one of the causes, as the body needs to recover from training.

Sleep quality

Sleep quality may be linked to back pain. Therefore, the first point of attention is the mattress. After all, when it is hard, soft or very old, the body cannot rest completely.

Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the posture maintained when sleeping, as this can intensify pain and cause poor circulation in the dorsal region. So, when it’s time to sleep, don’t lie on your stomach, okay?

Sedentary lifestyle

Excessive physical activity can cause back pain, but on the other hand, not moving is even worse and can worsen pain, as well as other health-related complications.

This happens because, when the body is not in movement, the muscles become rigid, since they are not being toned. So, the whole area of the spine starts to feel discomfort, pain, and even changes in the physiological curvatures of the spine, giving rise to health problems, as is the case of herniated discs and osteoarthritis.

What are the treatments for back pain?

Treatment for back pain can consider everything from severity to the patient’s symptoms. When the central problem is identified, treatment through medical supervision is requested. To help you understand what the most common precautions are, we have put together a list:

  • Surgery;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapy ;
  • Medicines;
  • Therapeutic massage;
  • Practice of physical activity;
  • Lifestyle changes;
  • Corticosteroid injections.

When to see a doctor for back pain?

When seeking medical help is always one of the most frequently asked questions, right? Therefore, the help of a healthcare professional is recommended when the pain is very severe. If the pain is mild or moderate, it is important to monitor its persistence.

But be careful: always look for a nearby hospital to analyze the possible causes. After all, the sooner you are diagnosed, the quicker treatment will be indicated.

Can a person with back pain train?

Many people are in doubt about training or not training when they are having problems with back pain. If this is also your question, know that regular physical activity is highly recommended.

When exercising regularly, in addition to improving performance in routine tasks and bringing more energy, moving does not worsen the problem, on the contrary, it can even solve the problems caused by back pain.

Therefore, if your goal is to minimize back pain, opt for activities that do not cause as much impact on the dorsal region, as they can cause overload on the spine, for example. Therefore, opt for water aerobics, swimming , functional classes, bodybuilding , stretching , pilates and/or yoga .

Last but not least, the choice of modality means joining forces with a health professional: a doctor or physiotherapist will be able to provide all the support that you need, based on a prior medical evaluation, once all of the guidelines have been followed.