
11 essential organization tips to gain productivity at work

in today’s text, we list some essential organization tips so that you can solve this problem once and for all. Continue reading and check it out!

Tips for gaining productivity at work

1. Know your tasks well

The first thing you need to do to gain productivity at work is to define what your obligations are. To do this, make a list of all the tasks you have to accomplish in a week or a month, for example, and try to stay focused on them.

This relation is important, for you not to waste energy on things that are not in your area of expertise or with which you do not have a direct relation. Only occupy yourself with them if the time permits.

2. Set priorities

Among the tasks that are yours, see which one is a priority and try to organize your day so you have more time for them. As much as everything might seem important, if you look calmly at your commitments and set aside the wish to do all things at once, you’ll find it easier to come up with a schedule of activities and set aside a specific time for each obligation.

3. Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination   greatly harms the performance of tasks . So, whenever you think about letting go of a commitment, think that this could harm you in the future and disrupt your entire routine.

The ideal is to set aside a time to deal with the issue that you don’t feel like resolving and think that the sooner you get rid of it, the better it will be. If it is an extensive and complex job, try to organize times and days of the week to carry it out. This way, the task will be less tiring, and you will have less stress to complete what you need.

4. Keep your desk organized

Organization makes all the difference in performance. In addition to allowing you to locate the tasks you need to perform more quickly, it contributes to your concentration and disposition.

A messy environment makes you more tired and less motivated. Furthermore, disorganization increases the risk of errors when carrying out work, after all, it is much easier to forget an appointment or lose documents, for example.

5. Reduce the number of meetings

You know that habit of holding a meeting to discuss each of the pending issues? So, it could be harming you. As useful as these meetings are, they certainly last longer than expected and take up valuable time.

The ideal is to schedule one day a week, a fortnight or a month, to resolve all outstanding issues at once. Check the need and establish the frequency. Even if the topics are with people from different sectors, try to reserve a single date, with different times. This way you will reduce the number of daily interruptions at work and  will be able to produce much more .

6. Eliminate the volume of papers

Searching for papers in files and organizing documents in physical folders takes time and is extremely tiring. Therefore, a good strategy to gain productivity at work is to hire document management and accounting management software, or use cloud storage.

In addition to reducing the risk of losing documents, these systems speed up the search and make your daily life much easier. Not to mention that, with them, you save physical space, spend less on printing documents and, consequently, reduce the risk of clutter in your office.

Another interesting point is that they are easy to use and allow automatic sharing of information, making not only your work easier but also that of the entire team.

7. Remove notifications from your cell phone

Nowadays, we receive messages all the time on our cell phones. Not to mention notifications from email, Facebook, Instagram, etc. It may not seem like it, but if you stop to look every time your cell phone beeps, you will waste a lot of time and a lot of concentration.

Therefore, it is recommended to cancel notifications or leave your phone in your bag. This will certainly help tasks to be carried out faster and even with better quality.

8. Take breaks

Tired mind produces less. So, no matter how crowded your desk is, take breaks between one activity and another, breathe, drink some water and leave your room for a while. These breaks will renew your energy and make you move on to the next task with more concentration and a refreshed disposition.

9. Delegate tasks

Don’t try to embrace the world and take care of everything alone. If there are other professionals qualified to carry out your duties, share your difficulties with them and exchange opinions.

Centralizing everything in your hands is a danger! In addition to harming the quality of the service provided, this attitude can cause a lot of stress and harm to your health. In this sense, it is essential to have a solid team and encourage joint work.

Each person has knowledge, and the exchange is certainly very positive. Precisely for this reason, large companies are always encouraging teamwork and the performance of multidisciplinary tasks, for example.

10. Keep in mind that speed is not everything

As important as it is to carry out tasks quickly and manage your time better, it is essential to keep in mind that this cannot interfere with the quality of the service provided.

Remember that productivity depends on the sum of two factors: completing tasks in a timely manner and positive results. So, don’t do things in a hurry to get more done. This could cause huge problems and damage your credibility.

Certainly if you can put all or some of these tips into practice it will be much easier to gain productivity at work. The changes will be worth it and your routine will be much less  stressful . So don’t waste time!

11. Use productivity indicators

After applying the methods above, be sure that you will be able to identify the difference that the actions are making in your business. Well, there’s no point in doing all this and not knowing where it will influence it.

To help you with this analysis, use productivity indicators , which help you effectively measure your company’s performance. Only in this way will you be able to deeply understand the results that have been achieved and even create action plans aimed at improving the quality of delivery.